
~Will I do these?~

          It should surely come as no surprise to anyone who’s actually spent time here to learn that Jakarta is, to say the least, not a preferred destination for travellers, certainly in comparison with Bali, not to mention the manifold attractions of our South-East Asian neighbors. That being said, we think that it’s about time that the global spotlight was trained a little more penetratingly upon Jakarta. We should be encouraging tourist to come here to experience the Big J at its best and to learn that there’s so much more to the city than the bleak, polluted, dystopian hellhole filled with venal politicians, religious hardliners, angry motorists and crumbling infrastructure that it is often painted as. And that’s where we come in! We Jakartans represent this cityand we do (and indeed don’t do) directly affects the city’s images. So any major urban overhaul should begin with its people. That’s why we here have devised a list of 30 methods that can be employed in order to clean up our collective act and become better citizens of Jakarta and, indeed, the world beyond.
          So read on, folks, and resolve to join our campaign to take back the city.

1. Learn how to drive properly.
2. Stop blaming the traffic.
3. Limit vehicle purchase.
4. Don’t cheat and scam tourist.
5. Keep your holiday plans domestic.
6. Be confident with your English.
7. Vanquish our inferiority complex.
8. Embrace your culture.
9. Stop blaming the government and do something.
10. Real life is not a sinetron.
11. Don’t exaggerate.
12. Stop worshipping celebrities.
13. Calm down.
14. Keep it to yourself on social media networks.
15. Stop fiddling with your gadgets.
16. Get out more.
17. Learn the noble art of queuing.
18. Respect your elders.
19. Learn how to cook.
20. Don’t focus on keeping up with the latest trends.
21. Curb your expenditure.
22. Support local products and cut down on your addiction to branded goods.
23. Stop asking for more.
24. Burning rubbish should be a No-No.
25. Death to litterbugs!
26. “Excuse me, could you possibly be a little more polite, please? Thank you!”
27. Don’t let outdated and outmoded traditions get in your way.
28. Be more Open-Minded when it comes to religion.
29. Don’t be racist.
30. Read more.

Jo, Take-Back-The-City.

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